Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Adventure #5: Check It!

So, funny story!

Once upon a day last month, I wrote a check for a large amount of money but told the receiver of the check to wait a week to take it to the bank, because I didn't know how much money was in my checking account and promised I would be sure there was enough money in it. They complied.

I was SOOOO EXCITED!!! I had written my first check! even though I've had a checking account for about a year....or something. I felt like a grown up! HOT HOT HOT! And plus, now I had the chance to go talk to the fun bank tellers! They're always so nice.

However, my sister told me I could transfer funds from my savings to my checking online, so I tried that but couldn't find my checking account.


I explained to the teller (a chill, Hispanic young woman with a sweet, sassy attitude I could befriend) that I wanted to transfer funds into my checking account.  She looked it up but only found my savings.

"Are you sure you have a checking?" she asked.

"Um, yeah," I sassed. "I opened one a long time ago. I've already written a check, so I better have one."

"Nuh-uh, really?" she said.

"Yeah, I have a checkbook."

"Are the checks in your name?"

"Yeppers. It's in my car. Do you want me to go get it?"

"Yeah, let's take a look."

I flopped away and brought in the book full of checks with my name and address on them. She searched again and still couldn't find a checking account.

"So, I've been wandering around with checks in my name but with no account?" I confirmed.

"It looks like it," she replied.


Finally, the problem was solved when one of the bank managers helped me open a checking....again! Apparently, whoever I originally talked to ordered the checks but forgot to set up the account.

So, the moral of the story today, children, is that you don't need a checking account to write and own checks in your name.

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